I'm thinking about entering a picture into the
Dogwood Arts Festival 2006 print contest. I entered a picture last year, and it was the only digital composition entered. They don't say that digital isn't allowed, but some of the other entrants 'dissed' my entry. So this year I'm really wanting to do something rebellious and possibly inflammatory to even further alienate myself from the stodgy Knoxville arts scene. The picture that won last year was a pretty watercolor that was in the Thomas Kinkade vein, and that's all well and good and I recognize the talent and skill that it takes to do that. But to me, it's boring.
That said, I am opening myself up here to criticism by posting my own picture and asking for suggestions for a title. I have a title for it in mind, but I'd like to hear some other ideas. It looks much more vibrant on paper, and I'm planning on outlining by hand the darkest lines to make it 'pop'.
Name this picture: (click the picture to see it enlarged)
Very nice. DIgital right?
How about, "Hidden Picture: Find the Neopet?"
mr g, thanks, yes, photographically based digital manipulation/composition. I mostly work from photos I take (or others let me use), but sometimes I'll start from 'scratch'.
dammit hammett, you made me laugh out real loud!
Call it "Armor Petals." The bold lines can be the hard exterior of what is otherwise as soft as a petal, like a baby's butt. It conveys a deep metaphor about you.
heather, thanks for stopping by. that's really interesting. I like it.
eatmisery, wow, that's really cool. thanks! I like that too. A lot. A whole lot!
I can't think of anything, so I'm going to second "Armor Petals". I like the artwork, though. Very cool!
Actually, it looks kind of like cellular division to me...almost like it's splitting into colorful teddy bears....and no, I'm not having DEad withdrawls...well, I am, but I can't help what I see! I totally dig it!
It looks like it is spinning to me. Spinning petals.
"Baby Penis"?
mr g, I believe you. the small flowers inside the large ones are actually a kaleidoscope effect so the cellular division/spinning teddy bears makes sense! lol
kat, that's cool!
princess, you crack me up!
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