Borrowed from rainypete.
Things I have done in my lifetime, as of today:
Smoked a joint - yes
Been in a wet t-shirt contest - no
Stolen a car - no
Had a threesome - no
Been dumped - who hasn't been?
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back - many times; unrequited love makes the world go 'round
Made out with a stranger - Not a complete stranger.
Gone on a blind date - yeah, and it sucked
Had a crush on a teacher - not a school teacher
Skipped school - once in high school and a few classes in college
Seen someone die - yeah, and everyone should
Been to Mexico - no, but I'd like to
Thrown up in a bar - no
Eaten Sushi - love it, well, some of it.
Been snowboarding - no, and skiing only once
Been moshing at a concert - no
Made a snow angel - yeah
Had a tea party - no, but I've had a drunken booze party before (not recently)
Flown a kite - sort of
Jumped into a pile of leaves - yeah, and it made me itch
Gone sledding - no, we don't get that much snow
Cheated while playing a game - in first grade
Fallen asleep at work/school - not at work, but once in class
Used a fake ID - nope
Watched the sunset - all the time
Touched a snake - yeah, I like snakes
Slept beneath the stars - no, I'm not a camper
Been tickled - yeah
Been robbed - yeah, a few minor things over the years
Been misunderstood - too often!
Pet a reindeer/goat - we had a goat for a while but it ran away
Won a contest - I won a $100 worth of free groceries right after we got married. We definitely needed it.
Run a red light - only a couple
Been suspended from school - no, I was a goody-goody
Been in a car accident - yeah, a few
Had braces - No
Felt like an outcast - always
Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night - a pint isn't that much
Had deja vu - frequently and it always freaks me out
Danced in the moonlight - yeah, but not with the Devil
Hated the way you look - yeah, that's been a struggle all my life
Witnessed a crime - only traffic crimes, oh, and sometimes substance use
Pole danced - no, but it looks like fun
Been obsessed with post-it notes - no, I'm obsessed with metallic and sparkle gel pens
Walked barefoot through the mud - when I was a kid
Been lost - not seriously. I have a pretty good sense of direction.
Swam in the ocean - yes, I love that but only where it's shallow
Felt like dying - more than I can count
Cried yourself to sleep - more than I can count
Played cops and robbers - no, I was more a cowboys-and-Indians type. and I was always an Indian princess. lol But handcuffs can be fun.
Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers - Actually I do this almost every day because I'm an 'artist' and it's very therapeutic too.
Sung karaoke - no, I don't want to be shot.
Paid for a meal with only coins - not a whole meal, but I did buy some rolling papers once with a bunch of pennies.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't - Many, many times
Made prank phone calls when you were younger - yeah, back in the day before caller id
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose - yeah, a long time ago
Caught a snowflake on your tongue - yeah, anytime it snows
Danced naked in the rain - not in the rain
Written a letter to Santa Claus - I can't remember.
Been kissed under the mistletoe - yeah, a long time ago
Blown bubbles - of course!
Had a bonfire on the beach - no, not on the beach, but it sounds nice
Gone rollerblading - no, I'm an ice skating kind of girl
Screamed the word penis in public - yeah, actually it was 'flacid penis'
Ate dog/cat food - yeah, dog food when I was a kid on a dare. it tasted just like potted meat with cornmeal mixed in
Told a complete stranger you loved them - not a complete stranger
Kissed a mirror - no, why would I?
Sang in the shower - sometimes
Had a dream that you married someone - yeah, several and some were nightmares
Glued your hand to something - no
Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no, not a flag pole and not stuck
Kissed a fish - no, but I've kissed guys who felt like a fish, yuck
Worn the opposite sex's clothes - I wore men's jeans before 'low rise' jeans became a style.
Been a cheerleader - no, I'm not that perky
Sat on a roof top - no
Screamed at the top of your lungs - a few times at my kids
Stayed up all night - too many to count
Picked and ate an apple right off the tree - no, the Wizard of Oz scared me from doing that
Climbed a tree - a long time ago
Believed in ghosts - I still do.
Gone streaking - yeah in college
Been skinny dipping - Yeah, but it's been a long time
Been pushed into a pool/lake with all your clothes on - no
Been told you're beautiful by a complete stranger - yeah, it made my day
Broken a bone - fell and cracked my right humerus in 1999
Been easily amused - usually
Caught a fish then ate it - yeah, I'm good at fishing
Caught a butterfly - yeah, but it's bad for butterflies for us to handle them
Laughed so hard you cried - yeah
Cried so hard you laughed - no
Mooned/flashed someone - I was a flasher in college.
Had someone moon/flash you - my kids do that all the time
Cheated on a test - I used to give other people answers so I was an enabler I guess
Forgotten someone's name - all the time
Slept naked - I have but I don't like to. I feel too vulnerable that way.
French braided someone's hair - Mine and others
Grown a beard - not yet, but who knows what surprises aging has in store for me?
We want pictures of the beard!!!
Grown a beard - not yet, but who knows what surprises aging has in store for me?
Good one. Nice post.
rainypete, if I ever do grow one it will probably look like this:
mark w., thanks! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I sure hope I don't end up with a beard, but then again, if I did I could go join the circus as the 'bearded lady'. lol
Great answers Rae Ann for a long questionaire.....loved it!
You and I would have many of the same responses! (smiling)
midwest hick, thanks!
suzie, my answers weren't as funny as rainypete's.
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