Tuesday, June 28, 2005

This Magic Moment...

In Hoeland tonight there has been an Enchantment all over the place. Sweet Southern breezes and trees lit up like Christmas by the lightenin'* bugs (fireflies). An approaching storm energizes the air and the electricity excites the skin. Rumbles of thunder and flashing skies. Feel the charge run through.

I now know what year it is.** My prayers for that knowledge were answered tonight. Magic is real. I think I live in Heaven's back yard. More tomorrow.

Updates, 1-7-07:

*Many people call them lightning bugs or lightnin' bugs, but either word, lightenin' (to illuminate) or lightnin' (flash of light), is correct usage. "Lightening" is from Middle English.

**Shamanically speaking. I did know what the actual year was. ;-) It didn't turn out to be the year of the lightenin' bug, but I did learn later that this particular summer was experiencing a lightenin' bug "bloom", which is fairly common in the insect world as well as with other lifeforms.


ghartstein said...

Sounds like a Dead show I saw in Vegas in '92. As the band finished "Looks Like Rain", the clouds converged, thunder and lightning appeared and then the rain came! It was truly magical...although there may have been other factors influencing the magic...

Rae Ann said...

Sometimes those other influences are essential to recognize the magic.