I was just now exploring around the edge of the woods to see if I could find any more interesting fungi, etc., when I happened upon a large
black rat snake. I screamed like a girl! LOL I knew it wasn't a poisonous rattle snake or copperhead, but it was still pretty large (about 6 feet long) and threatening because it was shaking its tail in the same way as a rattle snake. I took that as a warning of 'stay away!' I'm not really afraid of snakes that much, but I do have a healthy respect for anything that can bite whether it is poisonous or not. It's kind of weird because just the other night I dreamed about a snake and the scenario was very similar as today. Also, snakes are famous phallic symbols! ;-)
Latet anguis in herba. A snake in the grass. Again, sorry for the poor quality photo, but I just wanted to get a quick shot and get out of there!
Q, actually I do have one little gnome in one of my gardens. He's hiding in the St. John's wort. If he goes missing I'll know who to contact! ;-) And yes, I am surprised and amused at your friend's blog title (and his blog). Thanks for sharing it!
Oh, yeah, Q, when you mentioned 'spirit horses' were you referring to shamanism?
Q, I was just kidding with you about taking the gnome. No, noone has helped me with any homework. I'm pretty well informed about shamanism, etc. If you have time to look through the archives you'll find posts related to it peppered throughout. So you can probably say it's "woman's intuition" assisted with serendipity, etc. Or might that be serendipity assisted with intuition? lol
Oh, I would have fainted. OMG!! I can't believe you were so brave.
suzie, if it had been a rattlesnake or copperhead I probably would have fainted too! Once I saw that it wasn't poisonous I was okay.
Q, cool, you've been busy! Or is that a "worst of" list? lol
Just a 'peppered' list from the biggining with references to shamanism etc...
Starting with the first one: "I'm being stalked" And the Spiders Web, beautiful picture by the way, tempted to 'hoist' it.
Incidentally I'm still working on that copyright issue: If someone copies pics (or text) from the web, is that theft?
After all your pic is still there, what I would have is a 'copy' my puter made.
Also everything Lubos or others (including you & I) can come up with is built on (based) on ideas we have read or learnt in time, (and 'lifted') from others. So Internet copyright would ultimately reside with whoever invented electricity (or even further back) without which the internet would have not been created (or evolved).
As for thought, written text & intellectual property, wouldn't they ultimately belong to whoever 'invented' (created or evolved) language + words?
laters ... Q
Q, it doesn't bother me if someone copies one of my pictures (or my words) as long as I'm given some kind of acknowledgement and as long as they don't try to sell it as their own. It's true that there really aren't any 'original' ideas, only original ways of expressing them. If someone appreciates something I've said or made enough to want a copy of it that's cool by me! I've sold a few pieces of artwork in the last few years and it is always kind of weird, but good. However, I'm much more likely to give my stuff away. Glad to see you've started a blog!
Thanks Rae, It just seemed to go with your theme of the stalker (spider). When I read on the post, and got to the picture of the spider's web, it did ring a bell with stringy theory, the web of life, etc ...
Thanks for the visit. Do you like William Blake's work?
So how did you track the new blog address, from Mark?
Laters ... Q
Ohh, I just noticed I logged in yesterday as QUASAR9.
You should try those mushrooms.
Went camping with some friends. One knew what he was talking about regarding fungi. All we needed was eggs, cheese and milk we got from a local farm & goat shepherd. Plus one or two of us took a trek into town everyday for "Our Daily Bread" and we enjoyed different flavoured omelettes every day.
Needles to say when he brought some of the more exotic ones from deeper in the forest, everybody always waited to see if he keeled over before taking a bite.
Laters ... Q
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