Saturday, July 09, 2005

I'm partial to pink. No, those are not my boobs. I borrowed them from Victoria's Secret.  Posted by Picasa


Kat said...

Wish I could borrow some boobs from Victoria's Secret!

Rae Ann said...

kat, it's just a little 'photoshop' magic, though I use Paint Shop Pro instead of Photoshop. It does all the same stuff.

Why, yes, gina, it IS spank me pink!! lol

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Well, I hope you won't have to return them. They do not like giving refunds. Pink is Perfect.

Rae Ann said...

Naw, suzie, I'm not returning them. I might need them again someday. btw, I'm a totally natural woman, but I didn't want to take a pic of my own boobs for this.

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

I second that! Braless is my life...I relate. (lol)