Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Letting the days go by...

And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"

"Once in a Life" by the Talking Heads

I've recently been doing a lot more 'homemaking' than working at the computer. Maybe I've had some kind of epiphany about my life and what it is and how good I really have it. And maybe I've been trying to be more appreciative of it all by taking better care of it. Maybe I've been Stepfordized? ;-)

Seriously though, I've been having some good conversations with a friend about our lives as women and wives and mothers, and I think I realized that I've gotten to that point in my life when I have most of the things that I've always wanted. And by 'things' I'm not talking about material possessions, though we can't completely eliminate the material things from the equation. I've begun to allow a feeling of accomplishment to establish itself in my psyche. I've looked back at the last 15 years and I can see real results from all of the struggles and hard work. It's pretty cool.

Of course, I can't expect everything to stay as it is (nor would that really be desirable to have a static life), but I hope that I can firmly establish my feelings of appreciation and satisfaction so that they won't disappear with any changes in my environment. I think I've kind of grown up. Well, that implies that a process is complete, but I know that our living and learning doesn't really have a stopping point (except for death, but even that is debatable). We all go through stages and phases and whatnot.

And I definitely don't want to sound like I think I've reached some grand pinnacle of life because I know I still have much to learn and experience. But I do think that I've reached a point of being more secure in my own self and not so dependent on what others might think or feel about me or anything else. Maybe many other people have already reached that point and I'm just late to the party again? But the timing isn't all that important anyway. After all we all are stardust...

Once in a lifetime...

Same as it ever was...
Same as it ever was...
Same as it ever was...


Anonymous said...

If your attitude stays as positive as it is in this post, you can be sure you won't be hearing, "This is not my beautiful wife!"

Rae Ann said...

dh, I'm afraid that this level of attitude is difficult to maintain at all times, but I'll keep trying.